You can also see how long the person has been part of your community, when the account was created or how many times he or she has been banned. Now you will see all the chat data of the user and you have the possibility to look in detail what he or she has written. You can do this by entering the following chat command in your chat: /user. In the best case, you wrote down the name of the viewer - because this way you will be able to search the chat log of the stream for a name. You noticed a user in the chat that was particularly positive or particularly negative? Maybe someone constantly spammed something, insulted you or praised you? It could also be that you noticed the name of the user from time to time while playing, but you didn't have the time to see what he wanted from you. Here are 5 different ways you can check your chat logs.
#Twitch logs mods
Here, it all depends on whether you're looking for something specific, want to see what a certain user contributed to the chat, or how it came to bans that your mods initiated. You can examine your chat log in several ways.
#Twitch logs how to
To show you as a streamer how to deal with chat logs, we've put together this guide.
#Twitch logs Offline
The chat logs thus show the entire chat history of the respective broadcast! A great and helpful function that allows streamers to see critical comments that may have been overlooked - so you can work on yourself offline and avoid the mistakes next time. Here, you can take your time and reflectively analyze what was well received and what was not. In order to get an insight into how the viewers reacted to certain situations even after the heat of the moment, Twitch offers the Chat Log function. Usually, the streamers follow their chat more or less attentively and try to respond to every comment, but especially in larger communities, the chat can quickly become very confusing and as a streamer, you often lose the overview, especially when you are engrossed in a game.
This is where feedback on current events is given and creators can get an overview of what the current mood in the community is. In order for viewers to communicate with their favorite streamer, they usually use chat, which is an essential part of the entire Twitch experience for a reason.
Twitch is still the largest streaming platform in the world and is used by more than 17 million people every day, both viewers and creators.